
Facebook Safety Check will keep your Loved Ones informed during Natural Disasters


In the wake of recent earthquakes, tsunami and other natural disasters, Facebook has introduced a new tool called Safety Check. It will connect with friends and loved ones during a disaster, to let know each other that they’re safe.

After the 2011 tsunami in Japan, a team of local Facebook engineers created a tool which would help people connect and communicate with each other during natural disasters, until now these tools were only available in Japan but now Facebook has made this feature available for every one.

If a particular area has been designated as crisis zone, Facebook will activate this tool and will ask if you are safe. If you’re OK, you will click or tap the “I’m Safe” button to let friends and loved ones know right away. You can also check a list of friends who may be affected by the disaster.


It merits mentioning here that Facebook did not partner with emergency departments and other organizations doing relief work. So in case of any disaster they won’t be notified, if you find that someone is in trouble, alert the authorities as soon as possible.