
Google offers Udacity course for Android development

Google and Udacity have teamed up to offer a new resource for learning Android app development. In the Udactiy courseDeveloping Android Apps ─ Android Fundamentalsyou’ll work with instructors, step-by-step, to build an Android app and learn best practices of mobile development in general and Android development in particular.

This course is intended for people having prior programming experience in Java or another object-oriented programming language, but have never coded any Android app.

The courseware is free for everyone,  which allows access to course videos and exercises and managing your progress. However the certified guided course costs $150 per month and there is 2 week trial.

You will be expected to download Android Studio in order to follow along with the instructors throughout the course. You also should be comfortable working with code on Github. Access to an Android device is helpful; but not required, to complete the final project.